Blog Category: Announcements and News

Recent Meetings about the PUD

Neighbors, Based on authorization from the NWACA Board upon reviewing the results of the latest survey, members of the NWACA Ad Hoc PUD Committee and a NWACA Zoning Co-chair have had two meetings regarding the PUD over the last four days. The NWACA representatives met with Rahm McDaniel, a member of the Zoning and Platting...
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March 2015 Austin Oaks PUD Survey Results

During the month of March, 2015, NWACA ran a survey for the neighborhood to respond to changes proposed by the developer in December 2014 to the PUD zoning application for the Austin Oaks property. See the following documents for the results: a results summary for the questions which had choices of responses, and a set of...
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Austin Oaks PUD – Official Update – Nov. 24, 2014

NWACA wishes to assure you that we continue to proceed exactly as communicated to our community regarding this matter: To date, we have:
  1. Conducted a Community Forum on the Austin Oaks (AO) PUD.
  2. Conducted a survey to get the community's input on the AO PUD application.
  3. Passed a NWACA resolution in opposition to the AO PUD, consistent with the...
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NWACA Board Vote on Austin Oaks PUD

The NWACA Board has voted unanimously to oppose the PUD Re-zoning Application for Austin Oaks based on the results of the NWACA residents’ survey, and the comments received at the NWACA Community Meeting on the Austin Oaks PUD Application.  After thoughtful and thorough consideration, the NWACA Board has voted to oppose the PUD. The resolution opposing the...
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Notes from 8-19-14 Community Meeting on Austin Oaks PUD

More than 300 people attended the Community Meeting about the Austin Oaks PUD on Tuesday, August 19, and most were very actively engaged. Neighbors provided a clear message to the City staff and the developer’s staff that those present oppose the plans for the PUD they have outlined. The feedback forms gathered at the meeting...
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Plant List and Presentations Available

On Saturday, April 27, we had a presentation on deer-resistant and drought-resistant gardening, followed by a tour of neighborhood yards with landscaping that illustrated many of the examples discussed. For those who weren't able to attend, you can see two presentations from that event and a list of drought-resistant plants for our neighborhood in the Archive...
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