Monthly Archives: January 2019

NFPA Fact Sheet – Eaves

This fact sheet from the National Fire Protection Association gives guidance for ways to ensure that the area under eaves is well-constructed and prevents ember intrusion during wildfire.

NFPA Fact Sheet – Skylights

This fact sheet from the National Fire Protection Association gives guidance on how to prevent skylights from being an entry point for embers during wildfire.

NFPA Fact Sheet – Roofs

This fact sheet from the National Fire Protection Association describes ways to reduce the risks to roofs during wildfire.

NFPA Fact Sheet – Exterior Sprinklers

This fact sheet from the National Fire Protection Association describes the use of exterior sprinklers to minimize the possibility of home ignition, but warns that other methods are probably more practical.

NFPA Fact Sheet – Decks

This fact sheet from the National Fire Protection Association gives guidance for how to make decks wildfire resistant.

NFPA Fact Sheet – Fences

This fact sheet from the National Fire Protection Association describes best approaches for fencing and gives guidance on maintaining them.

NFPA Fact Sheet – Coatings

This fact sheet from the National Fire Protection Association describes common practices and limitations of surface coatings for wildfire resistance.