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Restricted Covenant for 8200 and 8300 N Mopac

This document records the agreement between NWACA and the developer of the expansion of the sites at 8200 and 8300 North Mopac, after zoning was granted for density bonus to 90 feet.

Texas Wildfires in 2011 (PDF)

52-page report from Texas Forest Service on the wildfires of 2011, including those in Bastrop and the Austin area

What is a Neighborhood Center

Description of the three types of activity centers in Imagine Austin, with examples to help readers understand the intent of a Neighborhood Center, the least dense of the three

What is a PUD

Description of the background and intent for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) concept and zoning classification in Austin, with descriptions and map of some in the NWACA area

What is a PUD (brief)

Short description of the background and intent for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) concept and zoning classification

What is Possible

Description of the current (2015) zoning districts (categories) for the Austin Oaks property, key characteristics of those categories, some common uses for development using those categories, and the average amount of car traffic generated by some of those uses