
Austin Oaks Timeline

Timeline for the meetings and decisions to be made about the PUD re-zoning request for Austin Oaks, based on current information from City Staff (version 2)

What is Possible

Description of the current (2015) zoning districts (categories) for the Austin Oaks property, key characteristics of those categories, some common uses for development using those categories, and the average amount of car traffic generated by some of those uses

What is a PUD (brief)

Short description of the background and intent for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) concept and zoning classification

What is a PUD

Description of the background and intent for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) concept and zoning classification in Austin, with descriptions and map of some in the NWACA area

2015 04 30 Superiority Chart

Chart of responses to the Tier 1 and Tier 2 requirements for a PUD, part of the April 30, 2015 update to the City

2015 04 30 Environmental Resource Inventory

Forms provided as part of the April 30, 2015 update to the City; includes an inventory from October 2013 identifying critical environmental features and other aspects of the property

2015 04 29 Comment Response

Responses from Drenner Group to the issues and questions from City Staff in their October, 2014 review comments