Your business is in a terrific Austin neighborhood, which the Northwest Austin Civic Association (NWACA) helps to maintain and improve. There are many ways you can get involved and support this organization and your neighbors.
Now more than 50 years old, NWACA is very excited about our neighborhood and where we are headed as a community. Our boundaries include over 14,790 households and more than 29,000 Austinites.
A successful neighborhood needs great partnerships. We invite you to participate as a Business Member of our neighborhood civic association. We have many ways for you to get involved - whether financially or through in-kind efforts.
The NWACA Board thanks you for your consideration and support, and we hope that you will join us in making this a successful year for NWACA and our neighborhood.
You can find further details on NWACA here
Annual Business Memberships:
Platinum Level: ($1,000)
All benefits offered at Gold Level, PLUS
Larger business logo in the July and November editions of the NWACA newsletter (8,000+ households).
Large business logo on the NWACA banner displayed at 4th of July parade and Freedom Fest.
Social media post monthly on NWACA Facebook page to promote events or initiatives.
Prominent placement on the home page of the NWACA web site and Business Member page.
Spotlight Column: Opportunity for Platinum Member Spotlight in the monthly NWACA Newsletter, featuring in-depth coverage of the business, its services, and community involvement.
Recognition Post: A personalized thank-you from the NWACA Board on social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram).
Email Marketing Highlight: Can be featured in one NWACA email blast per quarter.
Discounted Advertising Rates: Advertise in the Northwest Austin News at a reduced rate.
Community Collaboration: Invitation to co-sponsor a specific event or initiative (e.g. tree planting for Earth Day, parade floats).
Annual Recognition at end of year thanking business for their support.
Event Booth Opportunities with premium placement, ensuring maximum visibility and foot traffic:
Booth space at the Freedom Festival. (4th of July event).
Booth space at the Earth Day Festival.
Booth space at the NWACA Annual Meeting.
Gold Level: ($500)
All benefits included at Silver Level, PLUS
Business logo in the July and November NWACA newsletters (8,000+ households in the NWACA area).
Social media post quarterly on NWACA Facebook page to promote events or initiatives.
Recognition Post: Group thank-you from NWACA Board on social media platforms.
Discounted Advertising Rates: Advertise in the Northwest Austin News at a reduced rate.
Website Logo: Logo placement on the NWACA Business Member page.
Event Booth Opportunities:
Booth space at the Freedom Festival (4th of July event).
Booth space at the Earth Day Festival.
Silver Level ($250)
Business name and contact information on the NWACA web site.
Business name listed in the November NWACA newsletter.
Weekly email of NWACA Notes.
Monthly copy of NWACA Newsletter.
Membership to the NWACA Facebook page with over 1,900 members.
Recognition: Listed in annual social media thank-you post featuring all Silver Members.
Networking Opportunities: Invitation to attend NWACA Annual Meeting (no booth space included).
Joining or Renewing
To join or renew as a Business Member online, please go to the Donate/Shop button, select your level, complete the form indicated, and then make your payment.
If you are a Platinum or Gold Business Member, you will be asked for your logo file for the NWACA website (jpeg or png). You may submit it with the form or send later via email.
If you wish to pay by check, please print and complete this form. Submit your payment by sending a check made payable to NWACA to:
Northwest Austin Civic Association
P.O. Box 26654
Austin, TX 78755
Newsletter Advertising
Four Points produces our monthly newsletter that is distributed to more than 6200 households in the neighborhood. Note: advertising revenues go directly to them, not NWACA.
Questions or comments? Contact us at [email protected].