Improving our communities together

NWACA Board Vote on Austin Oaks PUD

September 19th, 2014

The NWACA Board has voted unanimously to oppose the PUD Re-zoning Application for Austin Oaks based on the results of the NWACA residents’ survey, and the comments received at the NWACA Community Meeting on the Austin Oaks PUD Application.  After thoughtful and thorough consideration, the NWACA Board has voted to oppose the PUD.

The resolution opposing the Austin Oaks PUD Application is as follows:


WHEREAS, the Northwest Austin Civic Association (NWACA) received notification of the referenced rezoning application for the Austin Oaks property located at Executive Center Drive and Wood Hollow Drive in early August, 2014, requesting the property be rezoned as a PUD (Planned Unit Development district); and

WHEREAS, NWACA coordinated and facilitated a Community Meeting with City of Austin staff and the developer to give residents an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback on the Rezoning Application;

WHEREAS, more than 300 people attended the Community Meeting and the strong majority of the feedback obtained was in opposition to the Rezoning Application;

WHEREAS, NWACA also conducted an online and written survey of residents, giving them an opportunity to formally vote in opposition, in favor or neutral on the Rezoning Application;

WHEREAS, 683 people participated in the survey;

WHEREAS,  85.2% of participants voted opposed to the Rezoning Application, 5.9% voted in support, and 8.9% voted neutral; therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the NWACA Board of Directors opposes the Rezoning Application Case Number C814-2014-0120.


NWACA has already been in contact with the city staff, sharing our initial concerns about this application.  With the survey results and this resolution, we will continue to vigorously oppose this PUD application with City staff, the Zoning and Platting Commission, and City Council as the case proceeds.

NWACA needs you!  We have a very specific request to all of the residents living within our boundaries.  Because NWACA will be the lead organization working against this PUD rezoning application, we implore you to please join NWACA immediately. We are a totally volunteer organization, and your $25.00 dues are more critical than ever to help us raise the funds necessary to oppose the application, which may include hiring an attorney.

Thank you very much for your support of our neighborhood.

The NWACA Board of Directors:

Caroline Alexander, Kirk Ashy, Stephannie Behrens, Stacey Brewer, Debra Danziger, Jen Despins, Carol Dochen, Bridget Glaser, Matthew Grant, Cuatro Groos, Chris Hajdu, Carol Jones, Rebecca Leightman, Shannon Meroney, Tim Pham, Miguel Romano, Ernie Saulmon, Jack Skaggs, Steven Soper, Joyce Statz, and Robert Thomas


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