Articles here are arranged in categories, some in more than one category. Many were included in News and Announcements in the past, but are now preserved for historical purposes; generally, this is because they are referenced elsewhere on the site.
Bull Creek District Park Remains an On-Leash Park for Dogs
Published on: February 21, 2011
Feb. 17, 2001 - News Release from Austin Parks and Recreation The Austin Parks and Recreation Department Director Sara Hensley, after a critical and careful analysis of the recent completed review of fecal contamination monitoring at the Bull Creek District...
Speed Studies – 2010
Published on: December 31, 2010
The Austin Police Department completed a Stealth Box Study of traffic on Greystone Drive (4200 block between Mesa and West Rim) on December 2-3, 2010. The speed limit is 30 mph, but 46% of drivers were speeding over 30...
Reporting Intentional Deer Feeding
Published on: January 26, 2010
In February 2009, the City of Austin passed an ordinance making it illegal to intentionally feed deer within the City limits. If you see someone breaking the law, contact contact 3-1-1. Make sure to have the address of the offender...
Dealing with Dead Deer or Other Dead Animals
Published on: January 26, 2010
If you find a dead deer or other dead animal on a city street or other city property, contact 3-1-1 to report it to Austin Resource Recovery (formerly Solid Waste Services). Please note that the dead animal must be placed...
Feeding of Deer Prohibited in City of Austin
Published on: January 12, 2010
Here is the text of the City of Austin ordinance regarding the feeding of deer: ARTICLE 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS. ยง 10-8-1 DEFINITION. In this chapter FOOD means corn, fruit, oats, hay, nuts, wheat, alfalfa, salt blocks, grain, vegetables, and commercially...
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